Actually grow acne it's a natural thing. So no need to be embarrassed or angry - angry that there arises acne on the face. Yaaa Although I also know for sure anyway you embarrassed, but it was painful acne pimples that substantially interfere. From the busy guys here here cosmetics or cleaning acne but not cured - cured.
Here's Why of Acne:
- Side effects of Stress
- Because of Heredity or Genetic Factors
- Because the activity of hormones
- Due to the male hormone testosterone
- Caused by the oil glands are very active (Hyperactivity)
- There are bacteria in the pores-pore
- Caused by various air pollution
- As a result we often face scratching and irritation causing acne
- As a result of consuming the pill
- Anabolic Steroids
- Because of the bad blood
- Types of acne will appear depending on our age too
- To much consumption of chocolate
- There is blockage of pores - pore face due to dead skin cells not lifted
- Lack of water can also cause acne
- Too much smoking and drinking alcohol
- Due to allergies to cosmetics
- Lack of vitamin A in the body. Examples of foods that contain vitamin A include carrots, sweet potatoes, spinach, etc
- Lack of consumption of foods containing Vitamin B2 such as fish, milk, etc
- Often holds that magnifies acne pimples
- Too often when our hands touched his face full of bacteria
- Too often exposed to direct sunlight
- Less skin hygiene
- Rarely face wash, fash wash whereas activities to do when you make up after the activity, etc.
- Hair as a result of which never can also cause acne. Because dirty hair often stick to the face
That's the cause of acne. Thanks you for visiting, have a nice day to see you again tomorro.
See also information about How To Stop Acne Fast and Instant