Carbohydrates are a source of energy for the body, which is called there are two kinds, namely complex carbohydrates and simple carbohydrates. Complex carbohydrates contain fiber, which has a digestibility longer so as to make full longer. Meanwhile simple carbohydrates is opposite, is more quickly digested, resulting in faster make hungry again. Thus, complex carbohydrates are a good kind you eat, especially for a healthy diet to lose weight. Brown rice and wheat, are examples of complex carbohydrates, while white rice and white bread, are examples of common food sources of simple carbohydrates.
This carbohydrate diet will only reduce the portion of carbohydrate that is not excessive. You also don't need to worry about the effects or side effects. This carbohydrate diet really healthy and safe to run. What is the reason? I will discuss carbo diet tricks! Let's Read!
Pasta and Bread
The next food that you need to consider is the white bread and pasta. Try to reduce the consuming this type of food to maintain or lose weight healthy, and replace it with brown rice or grains of other non-processed. If you like potatoes, maybe you could try the sweet potato or cassava boiled instead. Ubi has more nutritional value than potatoes. If you don't have a choice, try to get whole wheat bread and pasta. While it should avoid white bread if you can. White bread is pure calories without nutritions, as well as sources of simple carbohydrates that can only make your blood sugar levels to fluctuate and increase the size of your waist. Processed foods such as white bread will make you hungry again quickly, as well as blood sugar spikes up ad down significantly. Bread wheat is a better choice, because less has this effect.Reduce the portion of carbohydrate that does not mean adding a portion of protein and fat yes
When running this diet program, we are trying hard to reduce carbohydrates that contain a lot of sugar. However, that does not mean we have to increase the portion of proteins and fats. Vegetable protein is fine because it has enough calories mild and does not accelerate the fattening if processed correctly. But, you know ledis fat quite dangerous if consumed in excess. One of the benefits we get from reducing carbohydrates is to avoid the risk of cancer and heart disease. When fat is consumed too much, then the cholesterol will go up. It is not possible risk of cancer and heart even haunting.Choose food that will be consumed during the course of this diet to avoid other risks.
Basically, the appropriate menu for this diet is the same as other diets. We are advised to keep the fruit and vegetables. It can not be denied that if fruits and vegetables play an important role. It does not mean to understimate the efficacy of protein and fat, but both are relative safer from side effects. However, a balanced combination of very influetial to the success of this diet.Don't forget to set the time to eat well. In this diet you will still eat three meals a day plus a snack that is freely chosen as long as it does not contain high calories. Suggested high in protein and low in fat. Drinking milk also may be done but certainly low fat milk. Remember as much as possible to reduce the portion of white rice. Or the result will be maximized if we replace them with other carbohydrates such as above earlier.
You've managed to replace rice with wheat and eat them with fruit and vegetables. This could be a total failure if you just sit at home, without much activity. You still need regular exercise to increase the fat burning process. Don't need expensive or have to go to the gym, which is important you exercise at least 30 minutes, 5 days a week.See also information about Papaya Diet Plan For Fast Weight Lose