5 Keys To Maintaining Health

5 Keys To Maintaining Health. We live in a food-crazed world, including how it relates to our health. That doesn't make us bad people (because we do love our food!), but it's always important to consider other aspects of our health that can easily be looked over if we let them. For example, how many of us change what we eat because we want to be healthier? Or, we might hear that some new product, food, or food trend will make us healthier. So on a whim, we just decide to overhaul our fridge and lifestyles in hopes of better health. But we don't need a new product, article, or trend to tell us what we need to be eating; we all know that whole foods, preferably plant-based foods are a smart choice for the long haul. They're not that exciting, nor do they come with a flashy headline, but they do the job better than anything else.

We need to strike a balance of health factors for the long-haul, and it's much easier to do when we're aware of what those factors are.
Take a look at these aspects of health that have nothing to do with food, but are important to take care of yourself for long term wellness.
Hereare the 5 Keys to maintaining health where eastern and western medicine share common ground, or at least get out of each other's way!

5 Keys To Maintaining Health

  1. Food

    Food is not the devil. Fake food is the devil! Whether the latest article decries salt, sugar, fat, or meat, they all lead to the same conclusion. Eat real food, as Michael Pollan so wisely said, in moderate proportions. And cook your food yourself as much as you can. If you eat whole foods-fruits, veggies, whole grains, unprocessed, unfrozen, free of preservaties, made by you at home with fresh ingredients you avoid all of the perils of excess of anything.

    The major problem with food in America is that much of it is so processed you might as well inject it via syringe into your arm. Because processed food tends to be packed with excess calories, salt, or chemicals, it kicks off an inflammatory state in the body, which is not meant to handle super-saturated nutritional bombs. So eat simply and well, most of the time and help your body out immensely
  2. Rest and Relaxation

    Our sleep is another issue that affects our mood, heart health and even our weight. No matter how great the food on our plate is, if we don't get enough down time and enough zzzz's each night, we will ultimately suffer. Pulling all nighters might work occasionally, but it's certainly not good for us in the long run

    A lack of sleep has been shown to be one of the most negative choices one can make their health, and yet may of us don't give ourselves this pleasure enough but we should. And we should also take more time to relax, spend time talking with others, taking it easy after a long day, or just taking a nice walk outside to relax a bit when needed. These are all ways to keep our minds healthy and our bodies. Put them into practice however needed.
  3. Manage Stress

    Manage stress is a key element in minimizing health risk and enjoying life. Stresses are our body/mind responses to our personal experiences and we are individual in the issues to which we respond and react. There are so many illnesses and diseases that are generated or worsened by stress that it is imperative each of us develop sills to deal with mental and physical demands and emotional challenges. Simple relaxation techniques, meditation, exercise, sports, outdoor activities, and especially internal disciplines like yoga or tai chi are all extremely valuable in deaing with both daily and long term stress.

    I believe one of the greatest problems of modern day life is the Indigestion of Life. Most of us do not have enough personal time to digest and assimilate our daily experiences work, relationships, and food that we experience rapid fire througout our day to day existence. This leads to the implosion of energy and the potential explosion of emotions or bodily symptoms. These are our body's attempt to convey messages we don't have time to receive and incorporate. Here again, it would be helpful if we were to take time to quiet ourselves, to breathe and listen, to digest and assimilate, to experience and enjoy. Taking time to clear ourselves, to become current and ready for new creativity and life is a concept and activity that can lead us to more optimum health
  4. Be Cultural

    No, you don't have to visit a foreign country, but being cultural is about opening yourself up to others, new places, new ideas, and being a part of an ever changing world. All different cultures make up the world and one way we can benefit our health is to learn benefits each one has to offer. If you're still thinking about food, consider this: without cultural spices and cooking techniques, we'd be missing out on some amazing dishes! The same goes for exposing ourselves to people from other cultures, learning how our habits affect others, practice kindness to people everywhere, and trying new practices by other cultures. For example, yoga or meditation aren't derived from American Culture, but they are two practices that many people use daily here to help them stay healthy. These are just two examples of how being cultural can benefit our health, so get cultural you'll be glad you did!
  5. Meditation

    Meditation is about being, not doing. It's a strange concept for busy people, who, like most of us, measure their lives by accomplishment. But truly, it's not about doing one style of meditation and certainly not about doing any one kind "right". It is simpler than that and while the abstractness of "being" can make it seem hard, just start by seeing if you can sit for 10 minutes every day and be with yourself. Not asking anything of yourself or of your surroundings. Not judging or wanting or evaluating. Follow your breath in and our your nose if this helps you hold your attention. Or don't. But sit still alone, and in the quiet, and watch yourself for 10 minutes. This moment of calm self-observation acts as a rudder in life, steadying mind and body.

Our personal health and well being is up to each of us. We can begin by first assessing our health ad lifestyle. What changes will provide us with more energy, greater clarity and vitality, and better overall health and longevity? We can create a plan to implement and experience a btter quality of health with fewer sick days, fewer doctor's visits and a more ejoyable and livable life.

Let's always be mindful of thing beyond our meals that help us stay healthy for the long-haul. We've only got one life to live, so we better make it count! That's 5 Keys To Maintaining Health
See also information about 5 Easy Tips For Healthy Skin

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