Bananas is a great meal should be consumed more frequently during pregnancy because it contains a variety of benefical nutrients such as Vitamin B6, foalte, Vitamin C, and etc.
Here we peeled all the nutrients contained in fruit throughout this period.
- Wealth folic acid
As often we know, the benefits of folic acid is important for pregnant women. Folic acid plays an important role in the development of nerve and brain and spinal susum. Bananas benefit for pregnant women, to prevent folic acid deficiency causes the baby is born prematurely. It also has the risk of birth defects. - Energy
Extra energy is required for fetal growth and placental production. Two bananas a day will satisfy most needs the extra energy. - Protein
Protein is needed during pregnancy to support the growth of new cells in the mother and baby, especially in the second and third trimester. About 14 grams of protein needed by pregnant women, and it can be achieved by eating eggs, bread, and bananas. - The benefits of vitamin B6
In Bananas contain vitamin B6 is a vitamin that is soluble in water. Vitamin B6 can help improve the development of the central nervous system cells in the fetus. With the right amount of Vitamin B6 will reduce morning sickenss. The daily amount required to meet the pregnant women vitamin B6 is 1.9 milligrams. One medium banana can contain 4 milligrams. - As a source of Calcium
Calcium is generally knwon for the development of bones and skeletal system at all ages. Bananas every 200 grams of banana contains 10 mg of natural calcium. Calcium to nerve himself useful in expediting the process of muscle constraction neurotransmitter in the development of the fetus in the womb.